Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Mail

I can home today i found this had arrived addressed to me

i was thinking... mushrooms, errrr chinese mushrooms.. ewww
open the pen knife for some careful incisions and i found this!

yay my prize had arrived. A while ago i entered a competition on Billy Law's Blog re: Mr Tean's Competition. The instructions were to answer the following question:
“What is your favorite Malaysian food and why?”
So i answered the above with some consultation from K (thanks for the malaysian input)
I love my Black Hokkien Mee
it sets my taste buds free
i crave and cry "where got?"
only in KL i find... Damn Shiok!
i thought that i answered the question quite skillfully, possibly better than anyone else...not only combining the simple rhyming conventions that one learns from early primary/pre-school but with the wittiness of the malaysian slang!
(im only joking by the way.. these blogs done really convey sarcasm well)
Anyways im very happy with the outcome of the "random number generator" results (which made me one of 4 winners :) yay!)
Go randomness
hopefully ill be able to cook up a malaysian storm soon :) Wah Lau!


  1. hahaha sorry to steal your prize... got more coffee than you not sure how to brew it though O.o

  2. hahah dude.. you got that drip pot thing???
    lets do an arvo tea with the coffee!
