Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tong Yuan

Some guys came over for some desert work.... Tong Yuan was in order.
V with the skills... however it turned out to be a mix of doh and red bean rather than keeping the bean on the inside lol... KL with the domestic skillz

S made a great attempt.. much better than mine lol

Another spoon of sugar?
Thanks for the desert guys, esp mr domokun :))))

Global Poverty Project

Last friday Wesley held the Global Poverty Project GPP (Click HERE)
It was a great talk to show how this initiative is committed to ending the worlds extreme poverty.
B was kind enough to lend me her L and her 580 to do some shoots... first time shooting with flash and a damn heavy lens lol.... i think i got a gun work out just carrying the think hehehe

anyways.. here what i came up with

B going hardcore

Monday, March 29, 2010

28-75mm f2.8

W lent me his gear to have a play with, so the first experiences was with the 24-75 indoors whilst they were rock climbing... having the fixed f2.8 really helped alot, but i had to bump the iso up a bit.

R having a climb.. showing the boys how its done
W keeping a watchful eye on his girl ;)
Al hanging tough on the logs
J had a ball thinking about the days back in primary school
Al concentrating pretty hard ... on the table

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


17-50mm or 28-75mm... hmmm

Monday, March 22, 2010


B decided to throw a very very delayed CNY dinner... just for the good luck :P
K brought the goods from M'sia, and B put it together

The Start... Adding the cripsy strips
The seasame seeds
Unhappy B mixing up the plum sauce... not sure why hes so unhappy ?!!?
On it goes..... its like liquid gold!
Let the good luck begin
Now in the pictures i have... it shows M as getting the highest, therefore getting the most luck.. however what i didnt record was my effort... at least head level!... at least! bring on the good luck!!!!!

The final product.....
The night couldnt have been complete without the Chong Hing Chicken Wings....
Great addition B!!!
+ some Chong Hing fried Rice...
For my only CNY celebrations this year.. it went down pretty well.. now im just waiting for the red packets!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


My first attempt @ framing.. geeze such an effort the first time hahha..
maybe with more tries.. it will be alot easier?
ahhhhh cant be bothered haha
just did another one...
i need some photoshop skillz badly!

Outing II

We went out for a little excursion around blues point hoping to get some nice panoramic shots of the bridge/city etc... i got there a little early to capture before the sun went down...the makeshift light housei ended up using my 50 for all the shots.. had to crank down the f-stop. KL offering me her 18-55... oh i would have loved a wide angle The sun went down pretty fast
Going.. going
the city was quite pretty and gritty?!? busting some rhymes
had to get tricky... cbb shooting the city/bridge/opera house... no zoom, no wide angle = fail.. hah
My fave shot of the night