Must push on!
Anyways.. went with B and KL to watch this "fire on water" show.. most boring thing ever haha..
im pretty slack.. but it wasnt anything special. i really did expect more
At least it was in a good location
i wonder if anyone else thought it was a waste of time :P
I didnt mildly enjoy the fire"works"
So then we ventured to the o/s passenger terminal... there we had a good view of the Opera house and the images that were projected... although it took like 10 mins per image which left us snapping away for 2 mins.. then another 8 waiting for it to change haha
it was pretty cold that night :S
But at the same time, maybe i wasnt in the best mood haha..
From lack of sleep + going for a 20km cycle earlier on... maybe i should have paced myself a little more...
Still it was good to get out.. use the tripod and remote shutter :)
i think this was my fave for the night
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