It was rice's last sunday @ church ..shes heading off to singapore for while so we wont see her for a while :( its sad, but ok.. bigger and brighter skies ahead!
She also launched her new ep ..
SUNDAY AFTERNOONWe sent her off in style.. kinda.. we all went to chong hing for lunch.. bring on the SP chicken wings, SP Squid, XO beans and honey pepper pork.
Rice with her "birthday/leaving cake".. this is assuming that she wont be back in syd for her bday lol..

im pretty crappy saying bye... :S... but we will miss you! hope that the season ahead is full of challenges and great oppotunities for you to grow and become more like Christ. Its always sad to see a friend move on, but we know that you'll be in contact and when you come back we def have to do more "man vs wild" action...spear fishing and the like! (maybe ill be rich enough to afford a knife with a pouch rather than a rubber band lol)
till next skype session! seeyas rice!!
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