to kick things off we had our "savoury" lunch. My quiche lorraine was really tasty!
J's "open sandwich". Didnt really think it was a sandwich..more so a salad with bread. None the less it tasted good :)So it was on to deserts...SUGAR HITwe had these to share +The younger years....injected with the "stuff" Bite sized pieces of the good stuff :) Thanks for cutting it up!K's was a little "mush" or "bashed" hahaYou could really taste the passionfruit!Then we kinda started having fun with the roonsThe googles do nothing...Please sir can i have some more? but maybe another day 'cause i think i ate the equivalent of 20 table spoons of sugar lol...
Thanks for lunch/desert :)
"bashed" cake?? for ppl who has bad teeth^^