So B got me out to shoot some Bokeh Style... they forgot all the DIY stuff to bring so out went that idea... so off it was just to shoot the city scape...ive seen some pretty cool bokeh, so was keen to shoot.. but fail...
Outside B's house... ghetto style

pulled out the G10 for some Bokeh action with the cafe sign

So we got there to shoot... whilst Bs were shooting properly.. i went "out of focus"...
A bit more G10 lovin'

Then my baby ran out of juice... switched to bro's D70....

A ferry came by.... can you see it????

Yea alot of people (including my dad) were like.. how is that a photo?? it just looks out of focus...yes... it is out of focus.. but its the style that count lol... anyways click
HERE for what Bokeh is...
So you're probably wondering what the actual scape looks like.. well here it is... stupid Blogspot resizes the pics... too small :S

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