Meet Domokun...keep an eye out for me later :) (thanks K!!)
For Xmas eve we went to J's house for a Christmas Eve Dinner.
Started off with some "light games"...

So on to the food... glorious food.
H crafted some awesome nu nuong...can never get sick of this

Chicken wings always are a fave!

The meal.... thanks J for cooking!!!
Then all of a sudden people when all immature.. and started drawing on each other haha...

I managed to get away relatively unscathed...V got smashed
Then it was on to Chris Cringle....

We played more games.. they suxed... haha
maybe coz its coz i kept on losing haha...
Slept @ 2.. i think??? i knocked out straight away...
Great night! had heaps of super fun, Thanks for having us J...hope there wasnt too much cleaning needing to be done after we left?
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